Worn Out!

We are worn out from a busy weekend and hot weather. It's going to get hotter, with 100+ degrees forecast over the next couple of days. Grandma Phyllis and Grandpa Tom came to visit this weekend. We did a lot of fun stuff: went to the beach, our favorite beach restaurant, and the aquarium at the beach, and enjoyed the pool in the backyard. With all of the activities and limited napping (and when you throw in the heat), everybody is dragging a bit. We're catching up on sleep this week - Owen and Natalie took long naps yesterday, and everybody slept in a bit today.
We celebrated Natalie turning two and a half over the weekend (although the actual day is tomorrow), with cupcakes, candles, and singing (all at Natalie's request). We are now getting ready for Owen's first birthday. We can't believe it's almost here! He's getting around better everyday. He's discovered how fun it is to pull up on things other than Mommy or Daddy - he's now using the gates and various toys. He gets so excited! He's a cat lover just like Natalie - and Yoda is an amazingly patient cat (he's getting grabbed, poked, and jabbed by four hands and twenty fingers these days)!

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