Ike, Karly, Natalie, Owen, Henry & Colin Gibbs

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Owen's 3rd Birthday

Owen's 3rd birthday celebration was this past weekend. We can't believe he is 3 already! We kicked off the weekend with a free concert at a downtown park on Thursday night. We saw The Iguanas, and Nat & Owen had a great time dancing in front of the stage. On Friday, Grandma Laura & Grandpa Roger arrived in the morning and Karen & Brian arrived in the evening. Owen enjoyed telling everyone he was turning three and holding up three fingers, only he uses his pointer, middle finger, and pinkie, and keeps the ring finger down (I guess that's easier than holding his pinkie down). Saturday was hectic doing last minute things before the party, but his party at the gymnastics place was a lot of fun and I think resulted in a lot of tired kids. We went out for a big dinner Saturday night to our newest favorite mexican restaurant. It was a good time. Everybody had to leave on Sunday, and Owen's actual birthday, Monday, was very low key. We ordered in and Owen opened gifts from school friends. Now we are getting ready for Hurricane Ike (it just had to come to the Houston area to find our Ike), and then Henry's first bday next week. Henry is doing great, by the way. He should be walking very soon, and he's learning words - he points to everything these days. He's done with pureed baby food - he wants whatever we're eating now. I've started eliminating bottles and he's getting cups of milk now. It all goes by so fast!


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