April Update
The end of March and all of April have flown by with work, school, school events, gymnastics, ballet, soccer, T-ball, and swimming. Whew! We enjoyed watching Owen play soccer in the Spring season. Even though his team didn't win every game, he scored at least one goal in almost every game. He had a great season, and he loves soccer! Hank also played in the Spring season. He had fun, although he enjoyed staring at the sky and playing with grass for many of the games. But he's 3, so what can we expect? He really enjoys gymnastics and swimming, so maybe he's an individual sports kind of guy.... T-Ball started up last month, and Owen has been doing awesome with that as well. He's had some great hits - I've included a couple of pictures that show one hit as it continues up into the air (the first pic shows the ball in the middle of the shot, and it's higher in the air in the next pic). He also has had some great outs and double plays. He typically plays center field or short stop. So he's been keeping busy. Ike completed a half-Ironman triathalon this month in Galveston. He did really well: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, and 13.1 mile run - his time was 6 hours & 27 minutes. Not too shabby. We hosted our environmental night at Nat & Owen's school earlier in the month. Ike & I are responsible for environmental stuff for the PTA, so I worked hard at getting some cool stuff lined up. I think it was a success. I've included some pictures of Nat and Owen with some of the "exhibits." Natalie got her hair cut a few weeks ago - she had about 6 inches cut off. So she has a cute little bob now. It's a little challenging to put it up for ballet & gymnastics, but she loves it. She had her 1st grade wax museum earlier in the month. All 1st graders are assigned a person, and they have to dress like that person and tell some facts about them. She was Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu - physicist, involved in the Manhattan Project. It was fun to see all of the kids. We got some great Astros tickets at the school auction at the beginning of April, and Ike took Owen to the game. They were dugout level, right near home. Owen loved it! Colin has been working on walking. He's SO close! But it's easy for him to be lazy with Nat, Owen, & Hank catering to him all of the time. He's learning to say some words too, and we've all been enjoying that. We all had a nice little break over Easter. We were off work/out of school on Friday, and we had no games or practices to rush around to. We had a nice day at the zoo, and had fun playing games and staying around the house. The Easter Bunny was good to the kids, and they had fun on their egg hunt. Owen was on the announcements at school last week for the pledge of allegiance, Texas pledge, and singing "Deep in the Heart of Texas." Of course he knew all the words to the song!! So now we are gearing up for the last month of school, and getting ready for summer camps.

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