Cold Weather and Pumpkins

It has started to feel more like Fall (although it's getting ready to warm up again for a few days). We had some chilly weather over the weekend, and because of that we mostly stayed around the house. Last week, Mom and Dad went with Natalie on a school field trip to a pumpkin patch. We went on a hayride, picked out pumpkins (Natalie tried to bring home about 10, but we cut the number to 4), visited the animals (goats, chickens, sheep, and a pot-bellied pig - that Natalie really wanted to pet), and had a picnic lunch.

We had a good time. Natalie was traumatized by the port-a-potties, though. She was thoroughly disgusted (can we blame her?).
Owen is still working on walking - each day it seems he adds another step or two to his walking distance. He is really hard on his toys - everything gets thrown, dropped, banged, etc. He now loves to throw everything over the gates around the house, and he lets his cars roll across the coffee table and crash to the floor.

He has also started climbing - he climbs on all the bins in Mom's office, and all of his toys that are raised (music table, turtle). We've noticed that he just plays rougher than Natalie did at that age. He also is really good at stacking blocks and building things (and knocking them down, especially if Natalie spent time building something!).

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