Ike, Karly, Natalie, Owen, Henry & Colin Gibbs

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July! We had a pretty uneventful day, although we did get to go see fireworks. It rained just about all day, which put an end to all of our planned outdoor activities (maybe on the weekend?). We went downtown last night to see the City's fireworks show and it was great! We managed to keep Natalie and Owen entertained while we waited, although it was good they started when they did because we were losing Natalie (the non-napper). Natalie was very excited about the fireworks, but we're not sure if Owen was more excited about the fireworks or the helicopters flying around. There hasn't been a whole lot going on here - we've had so much rain, we've mostly been confined to the house. So there's been a lot of playing inside (the Noble Duke of York with Daddy is still a hit, and there's room for one more!), just being silly, and dancing, of course. Natalie has gone through about ten coloring books! The weekend before last Grandma Phyllis and Grandpa Tom came for a visit and we all had a good time. We did make it to the playground a couple times, and Natalie and Owen were excited to have some different playmates from Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad enjoyed the break too!


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