Ike, Karly, Natalie, Owen, Henry & Colin Gibbs

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mom's Day and other Gibbs Family Updates

We had a nice Mother's Day weekend. Grandma Laura came for a visit and we had a good time going to our neighborhood hangouts and playing around the house. On Friday night we met Karien, Kevin, & Allison for dinner and had to laugh when we got there because Natalie and Allison were wearing the same dress. On Saturday we went to the Art Car Parade downtown, which was really cool. Saturday night after dinner we came home and played games before the kids went to bed. Owen was sick all weekend - the pediatrician said it was just a bad cold, but he had a 103+ degree fever all weekend and he was pretty cranky. He spent the whole time in my lap or somewhere near me. He's doing much better now, although he passed it on to Ike. Ike has been battling a 102 degree fever and been feeling lousy all week.

In other news, Owen is potty training! He's come so far since last weekend - he's basically there. We went from three+ accidents a day at the beginning of the week to none or maybe one a day now. So that is very exciting! I haven't had to change a diaper on him since last Sunday (he wears pull-ups to bed but he wakes up dry every time). He even uses the potty when we are out shopping or running errands. Last Saturday at ballet, Natalie was asked to play an additional role in the upcoming recital (in the opening scene with the big ballerinas). So we had an additional rehearsal for that during the week. I've been telling her she's like Angelina Ballerina, getting special roles. And Henry finally has two teeth. The lower left that we have seen the corner of for a couple months finally pushed through last weekend, followed by the other lower front one on Tuesday. Also, he's rolling everywhere, and starting to push up on his knees. So now we are just waiting for when he starts crawling.

So that's the latest around here. Ike has to go to NY tonight for meetings tomorrow followed by a quick trip to DC and he'll be back tomorrow night, and I'm heading to NOLA this week for a big project. I haven't been in the field in ages, so it'll be a great trip (I'll be getting dirty, catching turtles and other wildlife to relocate from one city lagoon to other areas - can't wait!).


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