Ike, Karly, Natalie, Owen, Henry & Colin Gibbs

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Memorial Day, End of School, and Heights Fun Run

May flew by - so much going on! Natalie finished up her ballet class and I was able to observe one of the last classes. She did great - I really enjoy watching her, she has such grace. Owen finished his T-ball season - what a rollercoaster! His team made it to the playoffs. Their first game went 6 innings (unheard of in T-ball), lasted two hours, and finished in a tie (28-28). The coaches agreed to a coin toss, which our team won, meaning advancing to the next game. Two days later we learned the other team had subsequently protested (sore losers) and Owen's team had to play a tie-breaker game (10-run innings). We ended up losing 10-9. It was heartbreaking for our guys, but they had a fun team party. Ike competed in the Texas Ironman in the middle of May. He did great! Grandpa Tom and Grandma Phyllis came to visit and to help with the kids and cheer Ike on. We went to cheer for him in the run, and it was nice to be there to see him finish. We had a fun weekend. Owen also had closing ceremonies for T-ball that weekend. Owen lost his first tooth that week, and Natalie lost another as well a few days later. They are both gap-toothed now. Natalie then lost her other front tooth the last day of school. She has no top front teeth!! The Tooth Fairy has been busy here. Memorial Day weekend was fun. We enjoyed not having any ballet, T-ball, or gymnastics. We went to the Downtown Aquarium one evening, and we also went to the beach in Galveston one day. The kids had a great time! That week was the last week of school. Natalie and Owen had end of the year ceremonies, and I enjoyed watching them each sing and Natalie performed a reading of an Eric Carle book. She received the "self-assured" award from her teacher, and she received an award for perfect attendance. Owen missed one day, so he was disappointed. That weekend, Nat, Owen, Hank, and I ran in the Heights Fun Run. I did a 5K and the kids did a 1K. Owen and Natalie were fast! Owen finished 10th and Nat was 25th. I ran with Hank, and he ran the whole time! In other news, Colin finally decided to walk on his own and not hold a hand all the time. So that is very exciting! Last weekend, Natalie had her recital for her hip hop class. It was great! She did four performances. I told her that is what life is like for a performer (dancer, actor, etc) - performing the same show over and over. She also had her gymnastics banquet, and she's moved up to Level 4 at gymnastics, so that's pretty cool. Now it's off on vacation!


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