
We had a nice Thanksgiving in North Carolina, and we were very excited to meet Carrie. She's precious, and tiny!! Natalie was thrilled to see the baby, but also disappointed that she couldn't hold Carrie or play with her (not yet). Owen decided that he was officially going to walk over Thanksgiving weekend, and since we've been home, he's perfecting his walk and prefers walking to crawling. Owen was pretty cooperative for our roadtrip - he slept in the car as we hoped. But Natalie was wired and did not want to sleep. She spent this week catching up on her sleep with rare afternoon naps. We are getting ready for Christmas - the decorations are coming out this week! And we may have our first snow sometime soon....Natalie and Owen are ready to get out there and play!! We spent this weekend Christmas shopping and hanging around the house. After a week of 70 degree weather, it was cold!!

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