Dad's Birthday

Yesterday (Monday) was Dad's birthday. We started celebrating on Saturday, so he had presents to open Saturday, Sunday, and Monday! He was in D.C. last week for a couple days, so we are happy to have him home. Other than celebrating Dad's day, we put up Christmas decorations and did a little shopping. Aunt Karen came out for a visit on Sunday and helped with the tree. Natalie helped a bit, but after breaking one ornament and another decoration, Mom sent her to watch Rudolph. We saved the soft decorations for her to put on at the end. Owen is also excited about the decorations, and has tried to climb the tree several times. We'll be lucky if it stays up until Christmas!! We had Dad's party with ice cream cake last night. Natalie missed out because she went to bed not feeling well. After high fever last night and this morning, we found out at the doctor's office today that she has bronchitis and an ear infection! There had been too long a stretch without visits to the pediatrician!!! We're hoping she'll be feeling better for Grandma Phyllis and Grandpa Tom's visit this weekend.

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