
We finally had real snowfall (more than some flurries here and there) starting last week, and we've had some everyday since then. Not enough at one time to get out and play, but Natalie and Owen have still been excited. It's even become a ploy to get Natalie to sleep at night: "If you hurry and go to sleep, it'll be morning and we can see if there's more snow!" It's been cold too - winter came all of a sudden (as we knew it would - it had been too mild!). So we've been hanging around here for the most part. It's been nice to snuggle up on the sofa with a blanket - Natalie has even napped! Mom and Dad had a babysitter on Sat night - it sure is nice to go out to eat and not deal with Owen throwing food or his pacifier and Natalie climbing around in her seat and going potty every five minutes. Natalie and Owen really enjoy each other - they play well together (although Natalie occasionally gets frustrated with Owen banging and throwing things). She does enjoy Owen's naptime, because that's when she gets to do her crafts (whether it's playing with play doh, or painting on her "art weasel." And Natalie is always sure to give Owen and hug and kiss at bedtime. She's a great big sister!

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