It was a busy week - Dad had to go to D.C. a couple days, and Mom had a lot of deadlines at work. But we all had a pretty relaxing weekend. The Dad's Day festivities started on Friday evening, when he convinced Natalie to join his side and she insisted that Mommy let him open Father's Day gifts. So we compromised and gift opening was spread throughout the weekend. It was hot outside, but we still spent the majority of the weekend outside. We went for a nice long walk on Saturday, then spent the rest of the afternoon in the backyard. Mom & Dad are almost done painting the fence!! On Sunday, after coffee and donuts, Karen came out and we used our new inflatable "family" pool (with a "bench" and cup holders!). Of course Natalie did not want to get out and was turning into a prune. Once out, she didn't want to wear a diaper and ran around the backyard naked. It was a sight to see. Natalie and Owen are playing well together these days - Natalie is learning to share, and Owen prefers all of her toys. They were playing with blocks together, and in true brotherly fashion, Owen toppled everything Natalie built. Things are definitely going to be interesting around here.