Well, we are behind in our blogging because we've been very busy around here. Owen turned one year old on Friday the 8th, and we had a lot of celebrating to do! Owen's big birthday party was over Labor Day weekend. The weekend before was rainy and we all just took it easy inside. Natalie and Owen took turns practicing for karaoke with the piano and microphone. Owen is holding his own in battling for toys with Natalie - in one of the "karaoke" pictures, she has her boo-boo bunny on a battle wound! Natalie also got her doll house from Eve (Mom finished painting it and fixing it up). It's a big hit! And Owen is bent on doing some demolition work - it only took a few days before he broke the balcony off. He seems to have realized he's getting to be a big boy now; he's started talking a bit more: "Hi Daddy," "cat," "that?", and of course, the favorite "uh-oh!", and he's getting more mobile all the time. He's started pointing to everything to ask what it is, and he's now standing on his own. He also started cruising well last week. Walking is just around the corner! So we had his party over Labor Day. Grandma Laura and Grandpa Roger arrived on the 30th and also visited with Aunt Karen before the partying weekend. Grandma Phyllis and Grandpa Tom arrived on Friday. We weathered the wind and rain from Ernesto on Saturday, and we had the party on Sunday. Owen was in good spirits and really enjoyed his presents and balloons. He was more keen on the ice cream than the cake (after Mom's own heart!). Natalie had a little trouble accepting it was Owen's celebration, but overall, she was pretty good. It didn't hurt that she got presents too! We went to Point Pleasant Beach on Labor Day with everyone. We spent some time at the arcade to win some toys for the kids, and after lunch, Natalie enjoyed a couple rides. The elephant ride was a bigger hit than the Dizzy Dragon! Monday afternoon we went to the playground, and Natalie and Owen both enjoyed swinging and going down the slides.
This week Mom and Dad were both busy with work. On Friday we had a little family birthday celebration, and Owen had a couple more presents. Mom had a birthday pin for Owen to wear on Friday, but it only lasted about 10 minutes before he ripped it off. Such a boy! We spent the weekend doing stuff around the house and enjoying the cooler weather. Mom has to go to New Orleans for work this coming week. Dad will be alone with the kids!! We'll see what happens......