Ike, Karly, Natalie, Owen, Henry & Colin Gibbs

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Final Countdown

Tomorrow is the big day! In the next 24 hours we will go from a family of four to a family of five. We are very excited and will post pictures of Baby #3 and updates very soon!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Owen's Birthday Part 2

Owen officially turned two on Saturday, and we had another birthday weekend. Grandma Phyllis and Grandpa Tom came to town on Friday, and we continued the birthday festivities. Saturday was a full day. Mom and Grandma took Natalie to ballet, while Dad, Owen, and Grandpa worked on Mom's to-do list (pre-baby) around the house. During nap/quiet time, Mom and Grandma ran some errands, and when everybody was up from naps and resting, we went for an extremely early dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant (it's Owen's favorite place to eat). Afterwards, there were more presents to open (even for Natalie), and lots of playing with all the great stuff. Owen enjoyed shooting hoops and riding on his ATV - both future outside toys. We had more cake and ice cream and singing, and then it was time for everyone to wind down. Sunday was hot and we were all tired. Mom had some work to do (the days are running out - the new baby boy will be here in a week!), and Dad had yard work, so Grandma and Grandpa entertained Natalie and Owen. Grandma and Grandpa left today (but will be back in a few weeks), and now we are counting down the days until the newest addition arrives on the 19th.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Owen's Birthday Part 1

We had a good Labor Day. Natalie and Owen's weekend started on Thursday, since school was closed Thursday and Friday for teacher in-service days. They were really good while Mom worked on Thursday - they played with just about every toy in the game room, and Dad took off Friday to ease Mom's load since she still had to work. Mom took Owen for a haircut on Thursday - we got rid of some of the pink hair, and Natalie got a trim while we were there. Part 1 of Owen's birthday celebration started on the weekend. We can't believe he is two years old already! Grandpa Roger and Aunt Karen came on Saturday afternoon. We had a party for Owen on Sunday, and he was very excited about all the new stuff and having cupcakes and singing. Natalie was also very excited about his birthday, since she got quite a few presents as well. We were pretty low key since the rain has come back - it rains almost every day again these days. We did make it to the playground on Monday morning. Natalie saw one of her friends there and had a great time playing with him. Dad commented that three and a half years old is too young to be chasing boys around. Grandpa (or Pe-Pa as Owen calls him) and Karen left Tuesday, and now we are getting ready for birthday celebration number 2 this weekend.