Our Island Princess
Natalie had her Island Princess dance camp last week. As in the past, she came home every day and showed us the new stuff she learned. She's really learning a lot! Friday was the "recital" at the studio and we enjoyed it. Ike & I took Natalie to lunch afterwards, then she opted to come home with me rather than go to school for the afternoon. Owen had a great week at school. The theme was camping, and they did all kinds of camping activities, including having hot dogs and smores and making fishing poles. He's been talking about going camping now, so I told him maybe next year when Henry is a little bigger. Saturday was a laid back day. The objective for the day was to get a new grill since the movers broke our other one. Henry started pulling up on Saturday and he continues dragging himself around - usually toward every toy and object he shouldn't get his hands on (small doll house pieces, crayons, markers, any kind of paper...). Natalie and Owen are learning to hurry and pick up their stuff when they see Henry coming. On Sunday, Karien, Kevin, and Allison came over for a cookout. Natalie, Owen, and Allison had a good time together, and Allison really enjoyed Henry, which is good since she will be a big sister in the next couple weeks. We're looking forward to a long holiday weekend, and watching fireworks on Friday night.