February & March Picture Update
Lately there has been very little free time for blog posts and updates, so I'm posting a bunch of pictures from the last two months to show what we've been up to. February and March were very busy, with Natalie's 6th birthday kicking it all off. Natalie was also asked to represent her class at the school district's Gifted and Talented expo - she helped to present her class project about different versions of Cinderella. That was exciting and we were very proud of her. She had a great birthday, and Grandma Laura and Grandpa Roger came to visit and celebrate. We watched the Superbowl at our friends' house who also have a New Orleans/Louisiana connection, and we enjoyed a good Cajun feast that night. Natalie also lost her first tooth in mid-February. She was really excited about the Tooth Fairy (and used her new box from Great Aunt Anne!), and she currently has three more loose teeth. Owen had T-ball tryouts at the end of February, and he has been practicing twice a week since then. Opening weekend is this Saturday, and we're all excited to go to his game. We all enjoyed watching the Olympics, but especially Owen. He was very disappointed when they ended. He really had fun re-enacting some of the events, like snowboarding, and he loved to watch curling and bobsledding (which he called race cars on ice). We had the excitement of watching another house get moved from our block one night (for a new house to be built). It's very interesting to watch a house being trailered down the street in front of your house. Natalie and Owen had fun at Nat's best friend Madeleine's "Madeline tea party" birthday party. Owen was the only boy invited. They really liked the tea and cake. My birthday was the weekend before last, and we had a great weekend. The weather was gorgeous!
Henry has been keeping us entertained. He is turning into the biggest ham of all the kids (if you can believe that!)! His vocabulary is growing every day - sometimes he says stuff that surprises Ike and me. Colin is growing like crazy and changing all the time! He's starting to roll over - I think he's ready to try to catch up with the other three and get in on the fun. He's very sweet and cuddly and very easy going. I can't believe he'll be 4 months tomorrow! We went to New Orleans the end of last week. I hadn't been in the office since August, and Natalie was on Spring Break so we thought we'd take a road trip. We had a lot of fun. Ike took the kids to the zoo on Friday while I was at work. Saturday morning we went to the French Quarter and took the kids to Cafe DuMonde for beignets. We then went to a crawfish boil at my boss' house before we headed home. It was a nice weekend and now it's back to the routine.