It's Official!

It's official - Dad was sworn into the New York State Bar yesterday morning. He had to go to Albany for the process, which included an interview and then being sworn in. Mom, Natalie, and Owen tagged along for the event. We are all very proud!
We had a productive weekend, getting things done around the house. We started off the weekend with a play date with one of Natalie's friends. Owen was able to join in, and can hold his own when battling for toys. He actually "walked" across the floor pushing a toy grocery cart! We spent the rest of the weekend working on projects both inside and out (a lot of things build up when you go out of town!). The kids enjoyed some outside time - the weather has been nice, cooler with low humidity. Natalie spent a good part of the weekend running around in the grass skirt she got from Grandma Laura (it came with a bathing suit). Owen has perfected crawling, and he learned how to effectively clap this week. He's so delighted with himself. He's now added clapping to his dance moves. He had his first haircut yesterday - Mom snipped the hair that was growing over his ears. Any additional cutting will be done by a professional!