More pumpkins

We had an eventful weekend. We went to a Halloween party where Natalie was able to pick out more pumpkins - we have quite the collection of pumpkins on our front steps! She also had her face painted and indulged in some Halloween cookies. Owen was excited about getting a pumpkin, but he really enjoyed drinking the apple cider! We got more Halloween goodies from Grandma Phyllis - Natalie and Owen are loving all of the decorations.

We also went to a birthday party for Natalie's friend Arianna. It was at the Party Gym, so there were lots of things to play with and climb on. And of course, who doesn't enjoy pizza for lunch?

Owen continues to climb all over EVERYTHING - we're seeing a lot of bumps and bruises in our future. He's talking more and more - he says dada and mama (to the right person), cat, kitty cat, ball, book (buh), truck, dog (dah), and the other day he said something that sounded a lot like i love you (garbled, of course). He has started giving kisses - the other day he leaned over a gave Mommy a two-hander (hands on each cheek)!
Natalie is such a good big sister and a good helper for Mommy. She loves playing with Owen (90% of the time!) - she loves to have him chase her ("C'mon, Owen!"). She does get him into trouble too, though - she's always coaxing him into getting into (or onto) things he's not supposed to, then she disappears and leaves him caught in the act! She's also good at comforting him when he falls or bumps something. She also loves to help Mommy with everything - groceries, laundry, picking up and bringing things to Mom...Mom is enjoying this!