Home again

We're back home again after our visit to New Orleans last week. Mom had some stuff going on for work and a company party, so we all went on the trip. We had a good time, but as always, it's good to be home. Natalie and Owen were pretty well-behaved while at Mom's office. They did enjoy running up and down the hallways and yelling. Fortunately, everyone was pretty easy going about it. (That's what New Orleans is all about!) We ate a lot of good food - too much probably. And we went to the zoo, which we all enjoyed. Natalie and Owen rode the carousel - Nat rode it twice! We visited Tulane to check out the new student union and other recent additions/renovations. The rain on Saturday kept us from doing too many outdoor activities. Natalie and Owen were very good on both plane rides. The snow was kind enough to hold off until we were back home, and since then it's snowed everyday. Now it's time to get ready for Natalie's big birthday later this week!
In other news, we have made the decision to move back to Houston. Ike was offered an excellent job opportunity, and we've decided it's the best thing for us. We are very excited, although not so excited about the stress of the upcoming move!