Memorial Day

We had a nice long weekend and a great visit with Aunt Karen. We had a fair amount of rain and thunderstorms over the weekend, so we had to find indoor activities most of the days. Over the course of the weekend we did make it to the playground once, we went to the Museum of Health (where they had a cool candy exhibit in addition to the other neat body exhibits), we went shopping at the Galleria (where Natalie had her first real haircut!), and of course, we went out to eat. Last week Natalie was invited to a dance recital for one of her classmates, and then over the weekend she enjoyed showing off her dance moves. She starts ballet/dance camp next week and is very excited. At the museum Natalie and Owen enjoyed all the exhibits about the body, but their favorite was playing on the giant tongue that indicated sweet, sour, bitter, or salty depending on the taste bud that was triggered. Of course we went out for Mexican and Owen had to have his own salsa bowl - he didn't come home wearing as much of it as he usually does. When we went shopping on Monday, Mom needed a haircut and Natalie decided she wanted one too. Mom took advantage of this attitude since she had already decided Natalie needed a cut for the hot Houston summer. Natalie did wonderfully, and her hair looks great, although she has since asked for braids. We've compromised with a pony tail. Owen is talking away - he learns new words all the time. We especially love when he talks to Natalie - he calls her "Na-Na." Natalie is also doing well, although she has decided she is afraid of the "Thunder Monster," and insists that he is outside her window most nights (even when there's no rain). This has become a (fruitless) ploy to sleep in Mom and Dad's bed.