Memorial Day Weekend
We had a non-stop Memorial Day weekend. I got home from New Orleans on Thursday night. It was a great trip, but I was tired. We managed to catch a lot of fish and turtles, but the clean up had a set back on Thursday with the huge rainstorm that hit. On Friday, I picked Natalie up from school early to get her ready for her ballet recital dress rehearsal (she had to wear stage makeup and have her hair up in a nice bun, and I had to sew the tail on her monkey costume). So then we picked up the boys and headed to the performing arts centre. She was done by 6:15, so we headed out to dinner. On Saturday she had her last ballet class (for this season - she has a dance camp coming up in a few weeks, then classes start up again at the end of the summer). After that we came home and the kids rested while we got stuff ready to go to our friends' house for a cookout and pool party. That was a lot of fun! And we had a hard time getting Natalie & Owen out the pool. Henry went in too, and enjoyed floating around in a little ladybug raft. Then Natalie & Owen went to Rainbow Kids on Saturday night. On Sunday we braved the heat to walk to our favorite neighborhood coffee shop, then we came home to get ready for the big ballet recital. We weren't allowed to take pictures or video during the performance (but we ordered the dvd), so I only have a few pictures of Natalie beforehand. I didn't get her with the cute hat with monkey ears though. She did great!!! We were so proud of her. The recital was really good - the ages of the dancers were Natalie's class (3-4 years) to adult/late teens. The second half of the recital was very high level dancing. We were impressed. Natalie came to sit with us for that and she was really into it. Owen stayed interested (kind-of) - I only had to take him out twice. Henry fell asleep part way into it.
Then on Monday we went to have lunch with Natalie's friend Jack & his family, and see their new house. Natalie, Owen, & Jack had a lot of fun running around, and they all had fun with Jack's aunt. Natalie & Owen had sprinkler time when we got home, while Henry napped and Ike & I worked around the house. It was a full weekend and we are looking forward to some downtime this coming weekend. Henry must be on the verge of crawling - he has coordinated pushing up on all fours and he started scooting backwards over the weekend.